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Hack This Site is a free, safe and legal training ground for hackers to test and expand their hacking skills. More than just another hacker wargames site, we are a living, breathing community with many active projects in development, with a vast selection of hacking articles and a huge forum where users can discuss hacking, network security, and just about everything. Tune in to the hacker underground and get involved with the project.

First timers should read the HTS Project Guide and create an account to get started. All users are also required to read and adhere to our Legal Disclaimer
Get involved on our IRC server: SSL port 7000 #hackthissite or our web forums.

» Unknown - Unknown (kbps, listeners) STAFF BLOGS / SHORT NEWS:
 blog Internetwache CTF 20...
 news Hacker News: Hacking...
 news Security News - Marc...
 blog Metasploit Unleashed
 news [UPDATE] CDN TLS Cer...

 Forensics Mission 1 - Basics...
 Become Anonymous online usin...
 Power of Open Source Intelli...
 How to Become Cyber Security...

 [SEV:8.3|EXP: 0] CVE-2017-2718
 [SEV:9.3|EXP: 0] CVE-2017-11882
 [SEV:9.3|EXP: 0] CVE-2017-14020
 [SEV:9.3|EXP: 0] CVE-2017-10887
 [SEV:9|EXP: 0] CVE-2017-1000203
 HackThisSite on Github:
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Please login to see this feature.LATEST IRC LINES:
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Latest site news: 

22/08/17:  Incoming CTFs

We got 3 ctf competitions occurring from 25-27th August. We need all the help we can get so please join us at , channel #ctf port 7000(ssl) or 6667(no ssl).
For more info check out this post.
What is ctf:
Info about IRC:

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 15/05/17:  New HTS Project:

We are happy to announce the launch of our new pastebin service,! The project is also open-source and available on

CryptoPaste is engineered for anonymity, both in the frontend and backend. All data is encrypted and decrypted only in the browser, and all information is anonymized before being stored.

Help us out by contributing to the project!

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 08/05/17:  Help HackThisSite Capture Flags!

Many members of the HackThisSite community are extraordinarily active in Capture The Flag (CTF) events, participating in several dozen CTFs each year!

We are always looking for more teammates! We are also looking to build our own CTF events in the near future. Which means we need you! If you would like to participate, here are some ways:

Chat with us on our IRC channelFollow long-term discussions on our CTF forumContribute to our event post-mortems with our write-ups on

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 08/05/17:  NEW! HackThisSite Project Incubator

We often have a lot of community members asking about contributing content (namely code), but not wanting to become full staff members. Well, we now have a solution for that!

We have opened up a new part of HackThisSite called the Project Incubator, or PI for short, where community members can now, whenever they want, incubate new HackThisSite projects (e.g. new missions, new ideas, etc.) that may either become fully managed HackThisSite services, or may even eventually make their way to our public Github.

Check out the HackThisSite Project Incubator today!

Happy hacking!

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 12/07/16:  ABCTF (July 15 - 22)

ABCTF - Capture the Flag

This is a bit of a short notice!! It has been a few weeks since we last competed and we do not want to get rusty. This is another perfect opportunity for you to join in and get your feet wet on CTFs if you have never participated before.

Team sizes can be up to 5 members. However, if you wish to join in with the HTS Team we will provide you with the necessary details to be sure we can all stay together. If you want to join us, hop into #CTF on IRC. While we primarily use IRC to communicate we do have a discord server available for voice comms.

ABCTF strives to engage young security enthusiasts in the hot field of cybersecurity. We can and will help anyone take their first steps in the cybersecurity world. There will be dozens upon dozens of problems ranging in difficulty from beginner to expert and everything in between. Whatever your level is, we will have plenty of problems to keep you busy.

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We ask that you inform us upon sharing or distributing.

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