Terms & Conditions:
- Get Rs. 10 cashback when you add money to your Paytm wallet using your Paytm UPI address i.e. upi address created on Paytm (eg: username@paytm)
- Minimum amount that needs to be added is Rs. 200 to be eligible for this offer.
- Offer not applicable if you add money to wallet from a third party platform. i.e. any platform other than Paytm
- Offer not applicable if you add money to wallet using a upi address other than Paytm upi address (eg: username@anyotherbank)
- No application of promo code is required to avail this offer
- Offer starts at 12 am on 22nd December, 2017. Offer is valid till 31st March, 2018
- Cashback will be credited within 2 working days of completing the transaction
- Offer valid on only one transaction of adding money to wallet using Paytm upi address. i.e. it is applicable only on first add money transaction using Paytm upi during the offer duration
- By participating in this offer, you agree to be legally bound by and abide by these terms & conditions. You confirm and acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to conform to these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms & conditions, please do not participate in this offer.
- This offer is sponsored, organized and administered by One97 Communications Ltd, a company having its registered office at 1st Floor , Devika Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 110019 and corporate office at B-121, Sector 5, Noida, UP 201301 One97 (hereinafter referred to as “One97” / “One97”).
- To participate in this offer, you should (i) have Paytm account/ wallet holder in India (ii) be of or above 18 years of age (iii) must be a resident of India;
- You also consent to the information being shared by One97 with its affiliates and service providers and to the information being processed and stored in the servers of One97 or its service providers, inside or outside India.
- You acknowledge and agree that all copyright and trademarks and all other intellectual property rights in the SMS content, Website, WAP/App portal, and all material or content related to the offer shall remain, at all times, owned by One97 and/or their respective owners. All material and content contained in this WAP/App portal/Website is made available for your personal and non-commercial use only.
- Subject to any applicable law all warranties of any kind whatsoever, whether express or implied, are hereby expressly disclaimed by One97.
- In all matters relating the Cashback offer, the decision of One97 Communications Limited shall be final and binding in all respects
- We reserve the right to modify/change / withdraw all or any of the terms applicable to the Cashback offer, without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever.
- We reserve the right to disqualify any user from the benefit of the Cashback offer if any fraudulent activity is identified as being carried out for purpose of availing the benefits under the Cashback offer or by using Paytm website
- In no event, the entire liability of One97 Communications Limited for any dispute arising in connection with the Cashback offer shall exceed the cashback amount that the user is entitled to under the said offer.
- One97 Communications Limited in no event shall be liable for any incidental, consequential and financial losses/damages in any event whatsoever. You shall indemnify and keep indemnified One97 and their officers, directors, employees, customers, affiliates and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, suits, proceedings, action, liabilities, damages, expenses and costs (including attorney’s fees and court costs) which One97 may incur, pay or become responsible for as a result of breach or alleged breach of your representations or obligations under these Terms and Conditions hereunder, any failure by you to comply with applicable law and any third party claim in respect of misuse of any information of a third party
- One97 Communications Limited shall not be liable for (i) any claims or grievances’/ defects/deficiencies solely attributable to the online partner’s to whom the payment is made/to be made (ii) any claims arising due to Force Majeure events or situations beyond its reasonable control.
- Tax liability, if any, will be borne by user
- This offer is being made purely on a “best effort” basis. Users are not bound in any manner to participate in this offer and any such participation is purely voluntary.
- Other Terms & Conditions and paytm policies apply.
- All issues / queries / complaints / grievances relating to the offer, if any, shall be addressed to customer support on- customer service (plz give address/ phone number/email id for complaints)
- All disputes shall be governed by laws of India and shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at Delhi
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